Monday, August 16, 2010

15th august 2010


15th august 2010

sms-ed syaz+mimi: "let's go break fast together. my treat."

withdrew some cash.

went to break fast at secret recipe danga street mall.

seems like all manners and etiquettes were left at home. LOL.

ate like hungry refugees. ate large loads.

post-meal sluggishness

casualties of war

contented cherubs

sweet thangs

=the menu=

tom yum kung (aka laksa) and mixfruit milkshake (nisa)
thai fried rice and mixfruit milkshake(syaz)
black pepper chicken with rice and chocolate milkshake (mimi)
pan-grilled dory fillet and banana milkshake (me)

shared lasagna and chicken cornish (aka glorified karipap)

nisa had a piece of cake afterwards; regretted not buying one too.

wish juju was there too!

thanks for the company...

i attribute my sudden urge to treat friends to gratitude and the subconscious need to spread love to somebody.

since mine will be going away soon. :'(


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