Wednesday, March 31, 2010



I feel like just running away from everything and hide in a dark corner of the world (or maybe just within UTM). Be with myself, music in my ears, books in hand. The important thing is that it must be VERY VERY dark.

Nobody understands my need to get out of this place. Even I can't describe why. I just can't stand being in the room, and most of all, in UTM. Only some spots in UTM can put peace and ease into my heart. These places are:

- The three wakaf spots in my faculty
- The tree-lined slope facing the football rugby field, specifically on a windy and tepid Saturday morning
- The slope heading up from the Health Center
- The observatory
- The library, specifically on the 4th floor, all the way at the back. Where it faces the helipad. OR the 5th floor. Where it faces the B08 Building.
- The helipad slope

More will crop up as I learn to truly love this place...but the room is just off-limits. It feels hostile.

just listening to music

with a book in hand


A depiction of what I feel about this place

now listening to Norah Jones and other soothing tunes. Venue classified (but still within UTM). Staying here indefinitely.


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