Tuesday, February 08, 2011


at first it was India. i was prepared to be immersed in the rich tapestry of culture. hence i joined the group. but noooo... India wasn't sophisticated enough, and you want to see fluttering orange leaves of Fall, be in a cold climate and be around Caucasians. hence the Europe trip.

i was tempted to leave, since the primary reason i joined was to go to India. But Europe's fine too. so i stayed. then the budget allocated was so shoestring, so dismal. i don't think you're being realists in thinking that such budget can sustain us for the whole duration. it won't even properly cover ONE country, let alone five.

and then the actual, actual destination isn't even decided. don't leave so much to chance when planning for something, that's the idea of PLANNING in the first place. if it is London, then London it is; if it's five countries, then five countries it is. we plan and generate funds according to the big picture.

i told my mum that it's gonna be for just London, that's why she agreed to let me join again. and now you give me BS like "tengok bajet la dulu" WTH is that?? make up your mind! once you have the destination set then you can generate funds accordingly. don't be greedy.

i don't expect apologies from anyone. this is what i have to say. i know you would read this. i could easily pull out of the program, i have nothing to lose. i don't expect people to beg me to join back in. whatever lah. if the destination isn't effing decided yet, imma pull out.

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