Sunday, October 03, 2010


it's a play of hearts and emotions happening within one hour today. feels like the Kiefer Sutherland series "24".

finally got something through to someone... someone who thinks that there was a relationship between us. the fact is there was nothing between us in the first place... you are so far away back in Sabah, and i'm over here - and we were hardly, barely communicating; i was surprised that you still think that it's a relationship at all... i'm sorry i had to snap you out of your delusion. i wish you the best in getting someone closer, who can give you the love and attention that you deserve... besides, i'm already attached...

also, i was surprised to be retracted from an invitation - and when it was talked about and i acted professionally, it would be a lie to say that i wasn't shocked. well, an instant un-invitation is totally unexpected from a dear friend. not even a persuasion attempt.

whatever. it is not as if the world hasn't dealt me a heartbreak card; it's time for someone to feel the pain too. and about the un-invitation, forget it. i retract myself from the invitation.

- totally wishing i could be blair waldorf. be rich, powerful evil. be so powerful that i can make people fall out of their place in society. moments of evil in GG (scheming, blackmail, extortion) are my current fantasy. better still, be an amalgam of blair+wilhemina slater.
- i miss YOU!!!!! but you seem distant today... you didn't share much.
- can we just get over these classes and assignments - i'm tired of the worries and the load...

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