Thursday, November 25, 2010

express updates

minimal camwhoring produced the new profile pic for blogger! :D will have a more active shoot later.

preparing the mind and body for the onslaught that is the SURVEY CAMP. another season of reality TV is in order. tears, anger, drama. who syas TV is not a representation of real life?

will tidy the room a bit. i hope i don't have EXCESS baggage  for home and for my own sake. btw, the college is a bloodsucker. so damn expensive to rent out the room for the holidays. i can only say curses in my heart.

can't wait for someone to vacate the bed. i wanna sleep too! you get priority coz you have an exam later... nvm me. hehehe good luck my socialites :)

crazily in loooove with Twitter! but that doesn't mean it'll replace YOU in the pedestal of my heart... thank goodness everything's back to normal, btw... i apologize on my part, coz we both have acknowledged the faults in ourselves :) i love you so so so much, ignoring you was a nightmare... unintentionally i have added to your worries, i wish i could hug you... to alleviate some if not all of the pains in your heart, especially those that come from me...

haven't been in touch with a certain group of friends. they're busy anyway. but they were on Twitter and FB too, how funny is that? i might as well keep quiet to avoid aching hearts and hurtful but unintentional words spurred by ire. nevertheless, good luck for your finals...

to my sweetie: miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you!!!!!!!!

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