Tuesday, December 14, 2010

a fictional book

my posts of things i feature in this 30-day blog challenge may be repeating but that's how i am - very particular about stuff and when i get something good it will be on my top shelf, until something better comes by. but since not one book has been able to topple this one from the top shelf, i will feature it again: the Thief Of Time by Terry Pratchett.

this book has been on my best book list for so long i have forgotten what it's about. i vaguely remember something about an apprentice and the pursuit of something and the ability to travel to the past and the future. this book was borrowed from the library (love the state library!) and wasn't part of a planned reading; i was in the early days of picking up the fantasy genre. i had eight slots on my lib card (i am a bibliophile) and i don't know what else to borrow. the cover and title looks interesting, so i picked this book up. little did i know this would be the best book ever, and the book that spurred me into the fantasy genre.

what makes it awesome is the way it was written: no book (past and present) that i read is written like this one is. because it entails the story of a few characters within the same plot, therefore they were separated by a header that chronicles their movement. the thing is, since this book has time as the object of desire, the header also pictures the movement; for let's say, character A was moving, and then he/she uses his/her ability to move beyond time. the next header looks like this   "charac-" and then continued by the story of character B. and when A finishes moving through time, the header continues with "-ter A", usually on a few pages later. that was but one of the features of this book; the storyline was captivating. i found myself biting my fingernails most of the time due to the suspense.

well there it was: a fictional book.

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