Monday, April 12, 2010



It's been a while since I've woke up sweating.

I've always had this mojo where I'd wake up 5 minutes earlier than my alarm time, or I wakeup fresh and energetic at a set itme sans alarm.

But no more.

It's either I have too much sleep (waking up at 12-1pm) or I don't get any sleep at all (having a full day's class and a full night of activities).

Now I intend to sleep normally, but I can't.

The alarm is set to 7.30am. And I prayed so hard that my accurate waking-up mojo would come back; that I'd wake up AT LEAST a bit before the alarm does.

But now I am awaken from my precious slumber. Not five minutes, not ten, but ONE hour before it.

All because of the roommate's STUPID alarm clock!!! It's going off every ten minute, and is kept BESIDE HIS EARS! But I'M the EFFIN' ONE WHO IS AWAKEN BY IT!!!


Now I'm wide awake, overworked, underslept and ULTRA-FUMED.

Should I let him oversleep, or should I awaken him from his slumber?

With a series of quick slaps, or one BIG FAT PUNCH to the face??

dush dush

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