Thursday, September 02, 2010


Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano, all I know is I love you too much to walk away though...'s been 18 hours since the fight. dyana knew about it too, and she was also surprised that it happened. well... all that fabulous positivity had to be offset by some negativity. the wheels do turn, and it's on the bottom for us now.

mentioned it to mum. she always manages to make me look like the bad guy in any bad situation i'm in. if things happen and i keep being the one in the blame, maybe it's really me. but i can't possibly always be the one... i reflect everyday - trying to be a better me. consideration, moderation, empathy. where am i doing the reflection wrong?

or maybe i should stop obsessing about trying to be a better me and just be human?

i'm sorry guys... raya's coming and everything...

can't wait for tomorrow! finally meeting you :D
i'm waiting for that little bag of surprise...

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