Sunday, November 14, 2010

sunday schmunday

sunday: what?

- cloudy day but wasn't gonna rain. but suddenly it rained. out of the blue (sky).

- spending time while typing this entry singing by myself. i have been Beyonce, Whitney Houston and Charice at least one. HAHA

- wanna go to the car boot sale! what to wear? what to do? will it happen? watta?? i am nervous actually. i hope i don't look like a loser. or worse, a scene virgin! what i wanna do is "wash eyes". hehehe

- i hope it's not a boring parade/bummer/boob. i'm kinda cautious about this unusually happy feeling about the CBS.

- i will tidy up this room a bit. i promise :)

- lost one shirt... not lost through theft but though a careless act of leaving it in the hamper for too long. now it stinks!!! one of my fave shirts :((

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