Saturday, December 04, 2010

my favorite movie

it's officially the second day :)

favorite movie... another category that has more than one candidate. my all time fave is the 1985 movie The Color Purple. i was crazy about Oprah at the time, and she often mentioned this book. so i have this longtime dream of being able to watch it. then BOOM! suddenly one fine day on RTM (yeah, it was back in the days), an ad showing the featured movies for the month, and one of it was The Color Purple! thank goodness it was a friday night movie. i didn't care how late it was (my childhood bedtime is quite early) when the time comes i promptly sat in front of the TV to watch it... i didn't manage to watch the final 15 minutes of the movie (childhood bedtime) which was the only bummer...

for the current favorite, it's Star Trek. the graphics, the story, the characters. i love it so much i once spent two days with no sleep just to read Memory Alpha, a dedicated page for Star Trek info. and still, i haven't finish reading about it yet. would LOVE to watch the series :)

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