Saturday, January 09, 2010


Late Night Entry. The Shisha's still running through my veins so I have pent-up ENERGY!

In Remote Sensing class this afternoon, I had small talk with my coursemate in class...while in class and another group was presenting their presentation, nonetheless. Turns out that he noticed my stressed-out look, my lethargic presence in class, my troubled visage...It was endearing that my coursemate takes interest in my personal affairs - he asked about the recent events that afflicted me. It struck me that these guys care for me more than I know and perceive. In my heart I am TREMENDOUSLY grateful for this. One of my new year resolutions is to repair and strengthen ties between me and all of my friends. From what I see, they have been more supportive and helpful; I'm getting more positive feedback, and be more accepted. Maybe there was a curse lifted from my life, as the recent departure of a certain entity has made the world seem like an easier and friendlier place to live. I shall return these acts of kindness, thoughtfulness and spirit of camaraderie; I should participate more in their lives as they have in mine. ALHAMDULILLAH for such positivity...may things keep getting better, AMIN.

I was chatting with a friend of mine (I think I've mentioned him in earlier blogs) and he continued sharing with me the joys of being a father. Along with such lofty joys, however, there will be downturns, and people attempt to pull him down; nasty words and behind-the-back talking was thrown at him. This is very much expected, especially in our society full of Busybodies and People-Who-Can't-Stand-Seeing-Other-People-Being-Happy. Well my friend, we've all been there at one point (or may points) of our lives; we shall LIVE STRONG and STAND TALL as we are the right ones in the situation. People may talk all they want, but they shall be blinded by their own ignorance and deafened by their own nasty words. And windfall keeps coming to him too, it seems; it's true what they say - having children will bring you much joy and blessings from The Almighty.

I just HAD TO escape from the week's hectic work today. So I sought my old KML friend and asked her if she'd be interested in having a night out. Turns out her roommate's raring to go out too, so off we went for an outing after 9pm just now. We ate dinner at Singgah Selalu in Danga Bay. Her roommate was yearning for shisha, and since I've never had it before, I decided to have it too. It's euphoric - of course first-timers will be afflicted by the occasional cough-and-choke. But it was so nice and such a good method of escapism, that we had two flavors that night! I felt light (but I wasn't high, mind you). Afterwards when time came for us to pay, I found myself walking rather clumsily and loftily...I hope it wasn't THAT obvious. :P

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