Sunday, January 03, 2010


Kidding, guys..hehehe well it's still a baby, but it's not human...I still love my life...I won't ruin it for some cheap tawdry fun which could possibly end up screwing up my life. Hahah~ Anyway, I'll tell you about it along the way.

Yesterday around afternoon me and Dylah decided to go shopping. It was actually for lunch and Starbucks, but things just didn't turn out the way they're supposed to. So we went to Taman U Jusco, had lunch at Pizza Hut. Wow, did we have a large dinner...a regular pizza, Thai seafood roll for me and lasagna for Dylah. Gosh, i felt like I was about to burst. Hahaha~ Then, originally it was for us to hangout at Starbucks for coffee and WIFI, but seeing that we were both stuffed like Christmas stockings, this was canceled. Haha then we went to do some shopping, but later ditched everything as we made a decision to go watch a movie THEN do the shopping in Giant...

Watched Alvin and The Chipmunks - initially I didn't approve of it as the thing they did to Beyonce's Single Ladies was outrageous, downright ridiculous. But the movie held its place, showed its worth, and also with Theodore's cuteness (EEK!) I gave AATC a thumbs up...just I still can't forgive what they did to Beyonce's song. Hahaha~

Then we did the shopping after the movies...I bough hangers and a refill pack of Downy. Near the end, I bought something that I didn't expect to want and need to buy: a TERRAPIN! It's been a while since I've had a pet; my last pet were two Siamese fighting fish; one purple-blue and the other one albino. And that was six years ago. Now I bought the total set, with the vivarium and all that jazz...set me back RM23. With Dylah's and the shopkeeper's advice thrown in too. But after leaving the store I suddenly remembered (also prompted by Dylah): I DIDN'T ASK ABOUT THE TERRAPIN'S SEX! But then I said I'd go online to check out how to identify it myself.

Reached my room and eagerly set up all the stuff, kinda like a child feverishly opens his presents on Christmas morning. Along the way back to UTM me and Dylah brainstormed for a name: then the list was whittled down to two: Poppy if it was female, and Tito if it was a male. Upon examining it and looking up info online, it was decided that it was a HE. So, TITO it is! :D

Tito's VERY VERY feisty! It kicks and swims and messes up the gravel shore i made for it: after a while I saw the shore screwed up to become just a flat bottom...I couldn't hug Tito the way I can with a cat but if I wanna be close to it I put it between me and my laptop, near my heart...Hahah so CHEESY...talking to it is fun too, although initially it feels silly...Nice Feisty Tito...LOVE YOU! :D

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